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RADAR SISCOMEX: Stage of the internationalization process

The Integrated Foreign Trade System, better known as SISCOMEX, is a fundamental portal for both professionals in the area and for the company that wants to import or export. As in a previous post (First Steps to Export), today's topic is about one of the first steps in the exporting or importing process. This initial step is the SISCOMEX Radar Registration, which will allow the entrepreneur a simple and less bureaucratic way to qualify before conducting international transactions and negotiations.

The Radar, Registration and Tracking of the Actions of Customs Agents, has undergone updates and reformulations in recent years that have facilitated the qualification of companies without major complications, because previously the process was far too bureaucratic and extensive.

What is the need and importance of this registration?

This step of the internationalization of your business is essential, and a requirement made by the brazilian Federal Revenue Service for legal entity and individual regardless of whether the process is an export or import, to be operated and registered in Siscomex.

According to comexblog, the Radar aims to unify information from all parties involved in foreign trade, whether importers or exporters, in order to monitor the behavior and limits of action. In other words, it is a form of prior control to prevent the practice of defrauding the tax authorities through smuggling or embezzlement.

There are 4 modalities:

1. Radar Expresso: restricted to corporations constituted in the form of a publicly traded company, with shares traded on the stock exchange or over-the-counter market, and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and public company or mixed economy company. Unlimited exports and imports.

2. Radar Limited 50 thousand dollars/Semester: financial capacity of the corporation to perform import operations is estimated at equal or less than U$50,000.00 (fifty thousand U.S. dollars). Exporting is still unlimited.

3. Radar Limited 150 thousand dollars/Semester: financial capacity of the corporation to perform import operations is estimated at equal or less than U$150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand U.S. dollars)

4. Radar Ilimitado: estimated financial capacity to perform import operations, in each consecutive 6-month period is greater than US$ 150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand U.S. dollars) and will not be subject to operation limits, whether for import or export.

For the registration in the limited and unlimited modalities, the system performs an analysis of the company according to the information registered with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.

What you need to do to register?

Learn more about the Digital Certificate (corporate entity) - learn more and go to the Portal Único, then Enable Company, Register of Interveners, Enable, and finally Request Enable.

According to the Brazilian Federal Revenue's website,

"only the declarant of goods that:

  • has adhered to the Electronic Tax Domicile (DTE);

  • has a CNPJ enrollment status equal to "active";

  • has an enrollment with the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) of all individuals who are members of the QSA with qualification under the terms of Annex V of the Normative Instruction RFB No. 1863/20188, in a registration status equal to "regular" or "pending regularization";

  • has an e-CPF digital certificate (link on how to obtain the digital certificate: Como Obter — Português (Brasil) (

  • has the operational, economic and financial capacity necessary to achieve its purpose and performance in foreign trade;

  • is not disqualified due to the hypothesis foreseen in the fiscal procedure of ex-officio review;

  • is not disabled due to suspension, cancellation or revocation of its qualification to operate in foreign trade."

It is worth mentioning that Líderi helps you throughout this entire procedure, answering your main questions at the time of registration. Contact us and ask for a proposal! We also perform all the survey of documents, fees and requirements necessary for your product or service to be internationalized.

By Letícia Nunes


FazComex Blog

Site do Governo, Receita Federal.

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